Sarah Palin is Hateful, Stupid, Racist, Inarticulate, and She's MEAN Too!
(Random Thoughts)

 Has Sarah Palin provoked you to rage?  Have you found yourself uttering profanities and shouting threats at total strangers?  You are not alone, but fortunately, the left has noticed, and they're looking out for you!  Mary Mitchell of the Chicago Sun-Times is furious and making demands!

Sarah Palin should apologize to the Obama campaign and the American people for her role in bringing out the worst in her supporters.

During a campaign rally yesterday in Clearwater, Florida supporters turned on the media after Palin again blamed mainstream media for her shortcomings.

According to a published report in the Washington Post, Palin reporters turned on the press after she blamed the media for her inarticulate interviews. Some supporters used racial slurs, and at one point someone in the audience yelled: "Kill him."

Palin's pit-bull mentality has not only set a negative tone, but a dangerous one. She should be censured

Do you suppose Ms. Mitchell is as concerned about insults, half truths, and lies hurled at Governor Palin and her family from the left?  Can anyone show me the article she wrote voicing outrage at the hacking of Sarah's email?  Funny stuff, liberal outrage!

Posted by marleed at 11:54 2008-10-09 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)

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