YO, Mr. Obama. . . You Can Take Your Job And . . .
(Random Thoughts)

In the interest of bipartisanship, brotherly love (which in some cases can be called incest), and World peace, Barack Obama has graciously announced that when he wins the election, he will beneficently offer John McCain a job in his administration!

Mr McCain will not be offered a cabinet job, but Mr Obama may ask him to spearhead a bipartisan overhaul of veteran's affairs, an issue close to Mr McCain's heart.

The claims that Mr Obama is already planning his administration come as a friend of Mr McCain revealed that the Republican candidate is concerned that the ugly rhetoric of the last week will damage his reputation as an honest patriot if he loses on November 4.

The Republican strategist, who used to work for Mr McCain, said: "John knows that his reputation as a decent man is on the line but he's got devils on each shoulder telling him to hit harder."

Apparently the election took place when I nodded off last night, or possibly someone's counting their chickens in the pre-hatched phase again!  Obviously I don't speak for the McCain campaign, but I'll offer my advice anyway.  John, just say no!   The job offer offends me,  bipartisanship offends me, being called a devil, offends me, and John McCain's obsessive concern about his legacy as a decent man offends me.  Is it decent to, in the name of decency, roll over and allow Marxists to seize control of the government?  I dare say, John, that Teddy Roosevelt took, and held ground using means that some might not have viewed as decent.  But then again, John, it's becoming increasingly obvious that you're no Teddy Roosevelt.

Posted by marleed at 17:21 2008-10-11 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)

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