If Requiring a Photo ID is Too Much to Ask of A Voter. . . What About an IQ Test?
(Random Thoughts)
How Politically Savy are You?


How Politically Savy are You?

A Pew Research Survey conducted a few months ago found that American's aren't all that informed about national and world affairs. Take the test below and see how you compare!
  1. Who controls the U.S. House of Representatives?

  2. Republicans
    Neither Party, it's a tie

  3. Who is the U.S. Secretary of State?

  4. Colin Powell
    Alberto Gonzalez
    Condoleezza Rice

  5. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

  6. Tony Blair
    Margaret Thatcher
    Gordon Brown

Be sure to check your results against the Pew Research results linked below

See what Pew discovered here!

Posted by marleed at 19:46 2008-10-15 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)

The McCain-Palin Tradition by Hank Williams Jr.
(Random Thoughts)

A pause that refreshes. Even if you don't like country music, you've gotta LOVE the words! Thanks, Hank!

Posted by marleed at 15:56 2008-10-13 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)

It Ought to Be Illegal . . . Voting While Racist!
(Random Thoughts)

It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that along with the Republicans, the Democrats, the socialists, the independents, the environmentalists, the liberals, the conservatives, the anarchists, and the largest voter block in America. . . the lost and confused, the racists will be going to the polls on November 4th.  I know this, and because he's ALWAYS right on top of things, Barack Obama knows it too!

"I know there are some people who won't vote for me because I'm black, and that's ok," said Democratic candidate Barack Obama.

Even as the economy seems to be in freefall, as Americans grapple with whether to vote for Obama, the first African American presidential nominee, or his Republican opponent, John McCain, it's a decision unavoidably colored by race, whether we like it - whether we admit it - or not.

When asked if race will affect a voter's decision, some say it is unavoidable, and that there are some voters who - issues aside - just aren’t ready to cross that racial divide at the polling booth.

Barack Obama, the son of a white American mother and a black father from Kenya, says his race is not an issue for him.

"I self-identify as African American.  That's how I'm treated and that's how I'm viewed, and I'm proud of it"

Isn't it strange, however, that the only people talking about race in this campaign are the Democrats, and more importantly, the candidate himself?  There may be voters who won't vote for Barack Obama because of his race, conversly I suspect that there will also be those who will vote for Mr. Obama because of his race. But in the interest of fairness (BHO is very interested in fairness) and racial harmony, I'd like to address those of you who plan to vote for anyone but Barack Obama because he's black. Please put your latent or overt racial prejudices aside. . .  They're unhealthy and irrational anyway.  There are dozens of reason's not to vote for the Senator from Chicago.

  • His political alliances with felons and domestic terrorists.
  • His Marxist social and economic philosophies.
  • His views on energy and a lack of any cohesive, realistic plan to make America energy independent.
  • His likely choices for Supreme Court Judges. 
  • His shifting positions for the sake of gaining votes.  (gun control for example) 
  • His voting record in the Senate (ultra liberal)
  • His voting record as an Illinois State Senator (WHAT voting record?)

Take your pick, if you don't like these, there are more.  The point is, a vote for John McCain or against Barack Obama doesn't need to be, and shouldn't be a result of racism.  Barack Obama for reasons having nothing to do with the shade of his skin or his ethnicity, is not suitable for the office of President.

Posted by marleed at 13:39 2008-10-12 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)

YO, Mr. Obama. . . You Can Take Your Job And . . .
(Random Thoughts)

In the interest of bipartisanship, brotherly love (which in some cases can be called incest), and World peace, Barack Obama has graciously announced that when he wins the election, he will beneficently offer John McCain a job in his administration!

Mr McCain will not be offered a cabinet job, but Mr Obama may ask him to spearhead a bipartisan overhaul of veteran's affairs, an issue close to Mr McCain's heart.

The claims that Mr Obama is already planning his administration come as a friend of Mr McCain revealed that the Republican candidate is concerned that the ugly rhetoric of the last week will damage his reputation as an honest patriot if he loses on November 4.

The Republican strategist, who used to work for Mr McCain, said: "John knows that his reputation as a decent man is on the line but he's got devils on each shoulder telling him to hit harder."

Apparently the election took place when I nodded off last night, or possibly someone's counting their chickens in the pre-hatched phase again!  Obviously I don't speak for the McCain campaign, but I'll offer my advice anyway.  John, just say no!   The job offer offends me,  bipartisanship offends me, being called a devil, offends me, and John McCain's obsessive concern about his legacy as a decent man offends me.  Is it decent to, in the name of decency, roll over and allow Marxists to seize control of the government?  I dare say, John, that Teddy Roosevelt took, and held ground using means that some might not have viewed as decent.  But then again, John, it's becoming increasingly obvious that you're no Teddy Roosevelt.

Posted by marleed at 17:21 2008-10-11 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)

I Believe, John . . . Help Thou My Unbelief!
(Random Thoughts)


I'm getting conflicting messages from this entire political campaign in general and from John McCain in particular.  It seems that the Obama campaign has come up with a new point of attack, claiming that McCain supporters at McCain/Palin rallies  are only about an inch short of being a lynch mob (yes, I used the word lynch... as in what they were known to do to horse theives in centuries past!)Hours later I read this in Time Magazine.

After days of watching in silence, McCain calms the crowd at a Minnesota town meeting.

“I want everyone to be respectful. And let’s make sure we are, because that’s the way politics is done in America.”

Tells one supporter who says he’s scared of an Obama presidency: “I have to tell you, he is a decent person, a person that you do not have to be scared [of] as president of the United States.”

After a woman calls Obama “an Arab terrorist” McCain interrupts to say: “No, ma’am. He is a decent family man with whom I happen to have some disagreements.”

Ok, I'll give you that BHO isn't a terrorist, but I think I would have left it at that.  And I suppose we can be respectful, although I doubt anything I have to say about the man would be considered respectful by the left, regardless of what tone of voice I said it in, or if I could manage to say it with a smile on my face.  What I find frustrating is that I don't believe for one New York minute that Senator Obama is "decent", at least not if you're using any definition of the word found in Websters!  Why do we have to pretend he is?  You want more proof?  About thirty minutes after I read about John McCain calming the raging, snarling horde in Minnesota, I read this.

 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. -- Sen. John McCain on Friday accused his rival of being connected to a group it said was conducting voter fraud, calling for federal investigations and media inquiries into the progressive group ACORN and its ties to Sen. Barack Obama.

In a conference call with reporters, McCain campaign manager Rick Davis said he is worried the election is being "stolen" in several battleground states where irregularities have been discovered in voter registrations collected by ACORN, the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now .

"We don't think the election is something that should be stolen from the American electorate," Davis said, calling on Obama to join him in calling for the inquiries.

"ACORN is an organization that has violated the law on a repeated basis," Davis said. "Barack Obama has given $832,000 within the last year to an organization that is a front group for ACORN."

Can anyone tell me exactly what about voter fraud is decent?  What kind of decent person would engage in this sort of activity.  Please don't bother telling me that this is the work of ACORN, not Mr. Obama. We ALL know that  Obama and ACORN have a long, documented history.  Then there's the matter of the $832,000.00, which I'm thinkin' didn't go to buy mints for the ACORN offices.

So, John, you tell us the Senator from Chicago is a decent family man, then you tell us you suspect him of having close ties to a group that in addition to being associated with the sub prime mortgage scandal is also engaging in voter fraud.  We're telling you we're tired of the PC crap.  We're tired of being lied to, and we're tired of making nice.  Does Barack Obama scare me?  No, he doesn't, but a Barack Obama Presidency scares the HELL out of me.  Something tells me, John, it scares you too.

Posted by marleed at 20:34 2008-10-10 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)

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