(Random Thoughts)

.  .  .  It's time to smell the coffee, but don't stop to smell the roses!  Time is short so read the handwriting on the wall.  Face the facts!  It isn't that we haven't been warned, but it's a little though to assess the core beliefs of a candidate who along with the mainstream media has done what they could to hide those beliefs from the general public.  In case you need more convincing that the junior Senator from Illinois is a socialist in liberal clothing please consider this in his own words from NPR, 2001:

Did you hear what he said?  Do you believe he meant what he said!?  Having discarded the judicial system as a vehicle of redistribution (of wealth), he points out that alliances of community organizers and legislatures are a better option to achieve that end.  Do you really want to be responsible for delivering Mr. Obama the vehicle he wants?  Do we really want a Reid, Pelosi, Obama Access of Evil towing this country down the road to socialism?  America is on the verge of voting for a change we may not survive.  Fred Thompson shares my views.  Please take the time to listen to this:

This is the most important election in modern history.  For the sake of your children and grandchildren, for the sake of the country, THINK, then vote on November 4th.

Posted by marleed at 18:58 2008-10-27 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)