Is It Time to Put Aside Our Differences For The Sake of Unity?
(Random Thoughts)

After all, we all just want what's best for the country, don't we?  HELL NO!  If I thought B. H. Obama held ultra liberal, even socialist views, was likely to kill small businesses with his tax policies, and most probably would finish off what is left of the economy with his "cap and trade" energy policies BEFORE the election, why in the name of GOD would I change my mind AFTER the election?  As far as I can tell President-elect Obama is the same socialist today as he was on November 3.  I didn't like him then, and I don't like him now.  "But the election is over", you say.  "We're stuck with him", you explain. . . I had the same problem a few years back with a hemorrhoid that would still be with me today if I had bought the kumbaya solution!  We are called to be the loyal (to America) opposition.  Sweeping our political differences under the rug for the sake of unity only leads to a very lumpy rug.  We cannot stand quietly by while our country is plundered.  We must be watchful.  We must be vocal.  Call your Representative.  Email your Senator.  Keep yourself informed on issues that are important to you and offer support to groups that support your views.  The election may be over, but remember this:  We are "The People" referred to in the Constitution,  Mr. Obama works for us.  It's your job to make sure he never forgets it!

Posted by marleed at 17:48 2008-11-06 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)